Monday, February 15, 2010

1 Step Back, 2 Steps Forward

For the past month, Kevin and I have been juggling other responsibilities in life, while simultaneously trying to move the film forward. Unfortunately, there's been several weeks where the film hasn't been given the attention it deserves. I think this is something every independent filmmaker can relate to, as the reality is, we don't have the luxury of working full-time on the film. A majority of independent filmmakers lead double lives, trying to pay bills and find the time to work on their films. So, while this blog primarily exists to document the development of our film, I think it's equally as important to focus on us, as individuals from time to time. After all, making a film affects every aspect of one's life.

Last year, I came down with the travel bug, and ended up traveling for over fourth months. At the end of the year, I gave up my apartment to spend two months in Australia and New Zealand, while Kevin started writing content for this blog. Upon my return, I attempted to get my 'professional' life back in order and start making money again so I can support myself and pay bills.

So, due to other passions, responsibilities, and most importantly, having a desire to become better producer's, Kevin and I have made the decision to push our production date back to Fall 2011, which in my opinion, is extremely beneficial. Time must not be seen as the enemy, but rather, a tool to help us prepare for the future.

One of our biggest regrets with our last film, was not spending enough time in development. We felt like time was working against us, and in return, we rushed into production, under prepared, both from a business and creative standpoint. As naive, ambitious twenty-two year olds, we learned the only way we knew how; in the moment and through hindsight.

Moreover, backlash and lawsuits ultimately come back to the producer, especially if one does not understand the intricacies of soliciting outside investors, filing the correct paperwork and working within the confines of SAG's Ultra-Low Budget Agreement. As producers, we are 100% responsible for our actions, and one misinformed decision can be costly, so we asked ourselves, do we know everything we need to know to be able to move forward? The answer was no.

We aren't putting this film on our credit card, like last time. We now have a responsibility to recoup and turn a profit off our investors' money. Ultimately, investors are investing in not just the film, but also the individuals making the film, so put yourself in their shoes: would you invest in yourself?

With that said, we've won a membership to the website Film Specific, run by Stacey Parks, an expert in the area of Film & TV distribution, which has proven to be an invaluable resource to us. Kevin and I will also be flying out to L.A for a producer's workshop in March, that we are really looking forward to. We'll be sure report back!

- Mike


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